
Landwer - Ibn Gvirol 70

After visiting a warm and personal cafe, i decided to go to a colder cafe.

Landwer is a BIG coffeehouse, located on the central-vein of Tel Aviv : Ibn Gvirol street. The chairs outside annoy pedestrians, and when something is going on in Kikar Rabbin - the cafe is filled with people. Feet are walking hither and thither, and cars are coming from all directions. From this point of view - it's Tel Avivian. A bit too much traffic in the eyes, though..
It feels like the designer didn't use the big-city that's going on right next to Landwer cafe.

Although graphically-attractive, the menu is average. Nothing special. They have some kinds of coffee, breakfasts deals, generic sandwiches and wraps (the recipes that all big cafes use..).. They offer a series of healthy-meals, written in green. I'm afraid the helthiest thing about these meals is the green font (that big-cafe syndrom, again..) - but at least they're trying!

In Landwer there is Up-town and Down-town, for it is so big. There are 2 areas for sitting outside ; chairs for the bar ; round tables area and quadrangle tables area inside. It's very crowded inside - but the high ceiling is dimming the noise. it's open 24/7 - which is a big plus - just don't pay attention to the homeless who use the chairs at night...

The waiters have electronic PDAs that send the order. kinda cool!
I had 3 waitresses helping me - one for each part of being here. It's not personal and a little stressing-out. Some waitresses are dressed up with Landwer uniform, and others just have a supervising look on their faces. This makes you question who to turn for help. There are teams for each event - and the manpower is on-call and alert. maybe too alert..

People who don't want to look too much for a special coffeehouse - come here. It's central, next to bus stations, on the street of streets - you cannot miss it. And so does the people who come from outside the city. This fact gives Landwer it's special visitors' infrastructure : people from out of city, without specific taste, who look for the simplest things they know, but still want to feel like they're in Tel-Aviv. Landwer is a False Display of Tel-Aviv for village-people.

Landwer is a coffeehouse that started almost 90 years ago in Berlin, and then moved to Tel-Aviv in the 1930's. For years, it is the Turkish-Coffee brand.
The cappuccino tasted like turkish coffee with a spoon of soaply-frothed milk. The beans were roasted too much, and had unsophisticated taste. But I guess that's what most people look for, especially those who drive to Tel Aviv and bump into Landwer.

Landwer feels like an Israeli McCoffeeHouse - everything is procedurised, according to plan, and following the clear hierarchy between the waitresses. Some people may find it good for them. I can't stand it. For a 90 years old coffee company, the coffee is awkward. Landwer is not for those who seek a sophisticated Tel-Aviv cafe experience. If you want a plain and universally-familiar cafe - it's the place for you.

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